Uterus Cancer

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Uterus Cancer Treatment


Uterus is a female reproductive organ, located in the lower portion of abdomen. It plays a major role in mensturation, fertility, and pregnancy. The ovaries that produce eggs are attached to the upper portion of the uterus through fallopian tubes. The inner most lining of the uterus is called the endometrium and the muscular lining of uterus is the myometrium, and the thin outer most layer of the uterus is the serosal layer. The lower portion of the uterus is in continuation with cervix which opens Into vagina. The cancers that arises from the lining of the uterus are addressed as Endometrial cancers. Cancer that develop from muscles (myometrium) are called as uterine sarcoma that are rare in its presentation.

Endometrial carcinoma

Types of uterine malignancy

Endometriod adenocarcinoma is the most common histopathological subtype, it accounts for more than 83 % of uterine cancers. There are also some rarer type of endometrial cancer that includes Papillary serous ( 4-6% ), Clear cell carcinoma ( 1-2% ), Mixed mullerian tumours.

Risk factors associated with endometrial carcinoma :

There are multiple risk factors known to increase the chances of malignancy in individuals that includes:

Endometrial Biopsy:

Once the ultrasound confirms any abnormality in endometrial lining a sample from the endometrial lining needs to be sent for histopathology to look for any abnormality. Endometrial Biopsy can be performed in different ways

Endometrial pippelle

It’s an office procedure, which is very quick and well tolerated by the patients, and they are quite very sensitive for making the diagnosis, it is done by introducing a thin flexible tube through cervix into the uterus , endometrial lining is sampled and sent for If thereis no endometrial pathology in the specimen sent and if patient become asymptomatic no further test is required


It is done under sedation using a scope which is negotiated into the endometrial cavity and Biopsy from the abnormal area is done under vision.

Dilatation and curretage (D&C)

The role of D & C is probably very limited as the diagnosis can be made easily with the office procedure using endometrial pipelle. Dilatation and curretage is usually done under anaesthesia, it is necessary in patients who are bleeding and have a stenotic ( closed ) cervical opening

MRI abdomen and pelvis

Once a diagnosis of uterine malignancy is made an local imaging of pelvis and abdomen is done. MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging ) of the pelvis gives a picture about the uterine lesion , it’s depth of invasion,and local infiltration along with details about any nodal involvement

Tests used to diagnose endometrial cancer:

Common clinical presentation for endometrial cancers

Stages of Endometrial carcinoma

The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) is one of the common staging system used for all gynaec malignancy
Endometrial carcinoma

Treatment option for endometrial cancer

Uterus Cancer Surgery


Surgery is the most common treatment for endometrial cancer. That includes removal of uterus including cervix and ovaries along with regional lymphnodal dissection , this could be done either minimal invasive surgery( laproscopy/ robotic) or by open approach.
Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy uses high energy X rays to kill any residual cancer cells. There are two types of radiation therapy, the way radiation therapy is given depends on the type and stage of the cancer after complete Surgical staging is done.
Chemotherapy for Uterus Cancer Treatment


Chemotherapy is a systemic therapy, that are used to stop the growth of cancer cells. It is delivered through the veins , the drugs enters the blood stream and reaches the cancer cells through out the body.
The administration of Chemotherapy in endometrial cancer depends on the type and stage of the endometrial cancer being treated.
For further information regarding cancer treatment
Reach our specialist at I CARE CANCER CLINIC or Contact +91 8939 8939 95.