Kidney Cancer

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Renal Cell Cancer Treatment


Kidney cancer is a tumor which arises from the kidneys.  Some of the kidney masses are benign and majority are cancerous.  This can occur at any age of life but most of them occur in older age.

Risk factors

There are no known causes for developing kidney cancer.  Some of the factors can increase risk of developing tumors like


Obesity and poor diet

High blood pressure

Being on kidney dialysis

Long term use of pain killers like Phenacetin.

Exposure to industrial chemicals like asbestos and cadmium

Certain rare genetic disease like von hippel-lindau syndrome etc.


Most of these tumours do not show any symptoms in early stages and these are picked up on imaging tests done for other reasons.
Main symptoms are:


Usually biopsy is not required for renal masses as USG/CT/MRI will be able to characterise them better.   Any large solid mass in kidney is considered to be cancer unless proved otherwise.


Kidney tumor confined to kidneys are treated with

Active Surveillance

This is done in patients with less than 3 cm tumors, which are confined to kidneys and if patient is not suitable or willing for surgery.  These patients needs frequent evaluation to assess the tumor and investigation is done when there is increase in size or progression

Partial Nephrectomy

Usually done for tumor, which are smaller and to one part of kidney (upper or lower ends).  In this surgery the tumor is reseated with a rim of normal tissue persevering the remaining kidneys.

Radical Nephrectomy

This is done usually for layer tumors or tumors, which are not suitable for partial Nephrectomy.  In this surgery the kidney with tumor is removed along with the surrounding covering tissues (Gerota’s fascia) along with lymph nodes.

Systemic Therapy

     Patients who have high risk features following surgery and patients who have tumors which has spread outside kidney to other organs are treated with systemic therapy.

Targeted therapy – various drugs like Kinase inhibitors like sunitinib, pazopanib etc. can be used.

Immunotherapy – various drugs like nivolumab, pembrolizumab, ipilimumab are used to improve patient’s immune system to fight against cancer.

For further information regarding cancer treatment
Reach our specialist at I CARE CANCER CLINIC or Contact +91 8939 8939 95.