Limb Salvage Surgeries

Surgeries done to save limbs affected by cancer are limb salvage surgeries.  There are usually 2 types of cancers (sarcoma), which can affect the limbs. Soft tissue Sarcomas. Bone sarcomas.  In 1970 and 80s most of these these cancer of the limbs were treated with Amputation( Removal of the affected limb) Nowadays, Limb Salvage Surgery…

Lymphomas An Overview

Dr Rejiv Rajendranath MD DM DNB Integrated Cancer Care Group Lymphomas in general are defined as a group of malignant tumours originating from lymph nodes or other lymphatic tissues including tonsil, spleen, bone marrow etc.  Rarely they can disseminate through lymphatics and primarily affect organs like brain,stomach ,lungs and bones.  Basically they are malignant tumours…