Bladder Cancer

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Bladder Cancer Treatment


Bladder cancer arises from the cells (Urothelial cells) that lines the urinary bladder.   These cells are also found in the inner part of kidneys and urine tubes (Ureters) that connect kidney and bladder.

Most bladder cancers are detected at an early stage and are highly curable.

Risk factors


These patient present most commonly with



Surgery  – There are various type of surgeries for bladder cancer.

NMIBC s after complete removal are treated with Intravesical Therapy (instillation of drugs into the bladder) at scheduled intervals to prevent recurrences  and then checking periodically using cystoscopy.  In this treatment the patient will retain his native bladder.

Radical Cystectomy Treatment - Procedure To Remove The Entire Bladder

Radical Cystoectomy

When the tumor becomes muscle invasive(i.e) it invades into deeper statures or if recurrs after one or more cycles of intravesical therapy , then the patient needs removal of bladder( Radical Cystectomy).   This is the gold standard treatment for bladder cancer.  In this surgery the urinary bladder is removed completely along with the lymph nodes.

After removal of the bladder a new way will be created to pass urine.

One method is to use part of intestine to divert urine to the outside of body (ostomy or stoma or conduit)

In another type, a long segment of the intestine is used to create a pouch which will be attached to the urinary passage (Orthotopic  Neobladder Reconstruction).  With this the patient will be able to pass urine in the normal way at his will.

Trimodal Therapy For Bladder Cancer

Trimodality Therapy

Selected group of patients with early stage muscle invasive cancer can be treated with Surgery (TURBT), Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy in a particular sequence so that bladder removal (Cystoctomy) can be avoided.

Systemic Therapy

Systemic therapy

Patients with early stage muscle invasive cancer are treated with initial Chemotherapy (Neo Adjuvant) if they are fit followed by surgery or as part of Trimodality therapy.

Patients with advanced stage cancer are treated with

For further information regarding cancer treatment
Reach our specialist at I CARE CANCER CLINIC or Contact +91 8939 8939 95.