Prostate Cancer

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Prostate Cancer - Diagnosis And Treatment


Prostate cancer is a cancer which occurs in the prostate gland situated below urinary bladder in males.  Prostate cancers are usually slow growing and are highly curable or controllable, but few types are very aggressive and spread fast.


Majority of these symptoms are also present in benign condition like benign prostatic enlargement (BPH) or Prostatitis (inflammation of prostate).



Men above the age of 55 years should be screened for prostate cancer .Patients who present with symptoms are evaluated with the following tests.

Gleason score:

This scoring is done in the Prostate Biopsy to know the aggressiveness of the prostate cancer based on the cellular composition and architecture.

Staging of cancer

These test help to identify the cancer is confined to prostate or it has spread to adjacent lymph nodes or to other organs like bones.


Based the information obtained from the tests listed above, the treatment is decided in a Multidisciplinary meeting (TUMOUR BOARD)  involving surgical oncologist, medical oncologist, other specialists, treatment decision will be made.

Active surveillance or watchful waiting

This is considered in patients who have very low grade low risk cancer, which grow slowly.  These patients are evaluated at regular intervals and in case of any progression, they will be subjected to active treatment.


    Radical prostatectomy is the surgery of choice, usually done in patients with disease confined to the prostate without any spread.  This can be done by

Surgery For Cancer

Open surgery

Robotic Surgery For Cancer Treatment

Robotic surgery

Radiation Therapy For Cancer

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy can be used as a single treatment modality or can be combined with other treatments based on stage of disease

Systemic Therapy For Cancer

Systemic therapies

For further information regarding cancer treatment
Reach our specialist at I CARE CANCER CLINIC or Contact +91 8939 8939 95.